www.nationale-anarchie.de und www.volksheil.de gesperrt / cut off / fermés !!! mehr Informationen hier / more informations here / plus d’informations
[letzte Bearbeitung dieses Netzortes: 11.6. 02]
[Dies ist die aktuelle (Apr. 2001 bis Okt. 2001) Netzpräsenz der deutschsprachigen Nationalanarchisten. Es sind Ausweichseiten, da die nA-Domäne
(www.nationale-anarchie.de) derzeit nicht bearbeitet (und nun auch nicht mehr besucht) werden kann. Zuerst wurde am 7. Dezember 2000 von der Polizei der Rechner beschlagnahmt, auf dem
sich die zur Bearbeitung nötige Datei befindet (zu Hausdurchsuchung und Kriminal-Ermittlungen siehe hier; Stellungnahme zur Anzeige hier). Dann sind - nachdem die Ermittlungen eingestellt wurden und der Prozeß kläglich gescheitert ist - am 12.4.02 die nationale-anarchie.de-Seiten und auch der Netzort www.volksheil.de vom Provider Strato AG ganz und gar stillgelegt worden: alles reiner Zufall... Begründung: rechtswidriger Domain-Name (!),
erotische, extremistische usw. Inhalte. www.nationale-anarchie.de wird demnächst wieder überarbeitet im Netz sein mit neuen Positionen und Weiterentwicklungen (Nationenbegriff, antideutsch,
aber nicht antinational... siehe z.B. Text von Flo). Anleitung zum Öffnen gesperrter Seiten. Techniken zur Umgehung von Internet-Zensur. Siehe www.vgt.ch und www.ioz.ch.]
=> Die Netzseiten von Sleipnir, Zeitschrift für Kultur, Geschichte und Politik (www. freespeech.org/sleipnir) sind von Freespeech skandalöserweise ohne Benachrichtigung und Kommentar abgestellt worden. Sleipnir wird hier als Gast beherbergt.<=
AUTO: -chthon & -nom
– nationalanarchistische Stromzeitschrift –
AUTO Nr. 8 (Okt. 2001) / nA-Internationale
Troy Southgate: Letter to Travas on National-Anarchism
RE "This "National Anarchism" phenomenon is curious indeed. Let me share some observations: 1) I am reminded of certain
American fascist groups. In particular the "Posse Comitatus". The Posse Comitatus rejects all forms of government higher than the county level, and believes that the Sheriff is the highest
authority. This is somewhat reminiscent of the racial "enclaves" mentioned earlier."
I don't know a huge amount about the Posse Comitatus, but it
doesn't sound too promising if they recognise the authority of US Law.
RE "2) It has been mentioned by these "National Anarchists" that they welcome
"self-determination for all peoples, regardless of race". In other words, they recognize the right of different "races" to form their own little enclaves. This matches well
with the open collusion of various racial separatist, fascist groups, such as the KKK, the American Nazi Party, and the Nation of Islam (NOI). These groups are known to work together and to share
intelligence. "... in 1961 at a NOI rally in Washington, DC, American Nazi George Lincoln Rockwell sat in the front row with a few dozen storm troopers. When it came time for the collection, Rockwell
cried out: "George Lincoln Rockwell gives $20." So much applause followed that Malcolm X remarked, "George Lincoln Rockwell, you got the biggest hand you ever got, didn’t you?" In 1962,
at the NOI’s annual Savior’s Day in Chicago, Rockwell was a featured speaker. He stated, "I believe Elijah Muhammad is the Adolph Hitler of the black man," and ended his speech by pumping
his arm and shouting "Heil Hitler." (Chicago Free Weekly Reader, April, 11, 1986)""
I fail to see precisely what relevance this has to
National-Anarchism. Rockwell was a Hollywood Hitlerite, not an Anarchist by any stretch of the imagination. But your point about mutual co-operation between racial separatists is valid enough. Although
Rockwell, of course, was a White supremacist and believed that Blacks were inferior in some way.
RE "3) Adopting some of the rhetoric or imagery of whatever
happens to be trendy at the time is typical of the increasingly sophisticated racist/fascist recruitment strategies. Recruiters are often fairly intelligent, friendly, and eloquent, which makes them all
the more dangerous. The more ugly aspects of their real ideology are typically deemphasized, and they present a "we just want to be left alone" image (and perhaps some of them really do just
want to be left alone)."
Now you're beginning to understand where we are coming from. The global anti-culture is stifling and we want no part of it.
RE "Since anarchism is currently a growing movement among the disaffected youth, it is natural that they should come a calling."
We are not jumping
on the proverbial bandwagon, if that's what you mean. Our progression towards Anarchism was organic and ideological. Our supporters have always been opposed to race hatred and supremacy. We began by forming
a pro-Strasser bloc within the ranks of reactionary British Nationalism and then gradually transcended the socialistic trappings of this creed after becoming inspired by the work being done by Richard Hunt and others. Anarchism sui generis.
"4) As much as I disagree with this kind of crap, I'm afraid that the "enclave", "racial" or otherwise, may be an increasing feature of the future. We can see it already
in ex-Yugoslavia where the enclave criteria isn't "race", but religion (the people are "racially" identical), and in various other nationalistic and religious movements throughout the
You're right, it will become increasingly common in the years ahead and people like Hakim Bey have dealt with such issues in some depth. But that's
globalism for you, it leads to an inevitable backlash. People like us do not want to be caught up in the cycle of Coca-MuckDonalds consumerism, mindless soap operas, repetitive MTV musak and blanket
cosmopolitanism. Or, for that matter, the kind of forced integration envisaged by the likes of Dave Parks and other so-called 'anti-fascist' Web-scourers. Each to his own.
"5) It should be noted that an anarchistic society does not have borders. Existence of an "enclave" implies borders. Borders imply some kind of entity to enforce these borders (a
military government, i.e. fascism)."
Such enclaves - which are usually armed for their own protection - do not require military governments.
"An existence of a monoculture where people of another "race" are never encountered implies a restriction of travel. A restriction of travel is a denial of freedom. A restriction of
travel also implies military enforcement of such (fascism)."
Fascism is completely irrelevant in this case. There won't be any cars, trains, buses and trams once
everything has slipped into the post-Capitalist quagmire.
RE "Furthermore, are these enclaves to be self sufficient? If you do not choose to mix with others, how are you
going to trade with others? I assume you wouldn't want to."
Who knows? My own view is that people should live according to their needs.
"So, in order to enforce this little "enclave" of pasty whiteness, it would seem to me that the easiest way to do it would be to build a big wall around yourselves in order to keep
"them" out, and to keep "us" from straying away and finding some jungle lovin'."
Pasty whiteness? Isn't that a little racist on your part?
Anyway, building a wall would defeat the whole object. Our communities will be based on Mutualism, not forced association in which people are made to tow the line by neo-Parkian apparatchiks. If people don't
like it they can go elsewhere, it's as simple as that.
RE "Or perhaps you can claim that everyone will still have freedom of travel: people can leave the
"enclave" whenever they want, and you can just put up some signs around the perimeter that say, "Now entering Casperland, darkies proceed at your own risk". Hmmm, somehow that still
doesn't sound too anarchistic to me."
Me neither, but that's because what you are describing is very silly indeed.
"Perhaps one of you "National Anarchists" can try to explain to me exactly how this whites only country club is supposed to work and still be anarchistic? What's to stop a large group of
multi-ethnic anti-racists from coming by for a cup of tea?"
An armed militia, perhaps? And don't tell me this is not very anarchistic, because those wishing to invade
and destroy such a community would be Fascist in the extreme. But then potentially, of course, we would probably be perceived as being a real thorn in the side of those people who simply like to organise other
people's lives for them in minute, mundane and mind-numbing detail. How about you, Travas, would you stop people like us trying to live our own lives in our own way?
[zurück zum Inhalt AUTO 8]