www.nationale-anarchie.de und www.volksheil.de gesperrt / cut off / fermés !!! mehr Informationen hier / more informations here / plus d’informations
[letzte Bearbeitung dieses Netzortes: 11.6. 02]
[Dies ist die aktuelle (Apr. 2001 bis Okt. 2001) Netzpräsenz der deutschsprachigen Nationalanarchisten. Es sind Ausweichseiten, da die nA-Domäne
(www.nationale-anarchie.de) derzeit nicht bearbeitet (und nun auch nicht mehr besucht) werden kann. Zuerst wurde am 7. Dezember 2000 von der Polizei der Rechner beschlagnahmt, auf dem
sich die zur Bearbeitung nötige Datei befindet (zu Hausdurchsuchung und Kriminal-Ermittlungen siehe hier; Stellungnahme zur Anzeige hier). Dann sind - nachdem die Ermittlungen eingestellt wurden und der Prozeß kläglich gescheitert ist - am 12.4.02 die nationale-anarchie.de-Seiten und auch der Netzort www.volksheil.de vom Provider Strato AG ganz und gar stillgelegt worden: alles reiner Zufall... Begründung: rechtswidriger Domain-Name (!),
erotische, extremistische usw. Inhalte. www.nationale-anarchie.de wird demnächst wieder überarbeitet im Netz sein mit neuen Positionen und Weiterentwicklungen (Nationenbegriff, antideutsch,
aber nicht antinational... siehe z.B. Text von Flo). Anleitung zum Öffnen gesperrter Seiten. Techniken zur Umgehung von Internet-Zensur. Siehe www.vgt.ch und www.ioz.ch.]
=> Die Netzseiten von Sleipnir, Zeitschrift für Kultur, Geschichte und Politik (www. freespeech.org/sleipnir) sind von Freespeech skandalöserweise ohne Benachrichtigung und Kommentar abgestellt worden. Sleipnir wird hier als Gast beherbergt.<=
AUTO: -chthon & -nom
– nationalanarchistische Stromzeitschrift –
AUTO Nr. 7 (Juni 2001) / nA-Internationale
“We are more interested in changing ourselves and creating new centres on the periphery.” Interview with Troy Southgate (National-Anarchists, England)
I have recently been helping several University students with their coursework. I thought some of you might be interested in one or two of
the replies:
Q. What climate would be required for a national socialist revolution?
Firstly, I must stress that we are not advocating a 'national
socialist revolution' like the NSDAP did in Germany just prior to the Second World War. On the contrary, we believe in National-Anarchism [I will send you further information about this separately].
But regarding the necessary climate for revolution itself, we believe that society must be in a state of utter disarray. Capitalism must be in a state of acute crisis before our ideas and values can be
taken more seriously by an increasing number of people. The revolution, however, is also in progress at this very moment because thousands of people are opting out of the system every year - be they New
Age Travellers, Anarchists or health casualties like the mentally ill and homeless people we see on our streets. So therefore as things continue to deteriorate, our radical and alternative solutions
to Capitalism will be taken more seriously. Furthermore, I believe that many of the people who are currently apathetic or complacent will have to suffer a great deal before they wake up to the realities
of Capitalism and the threat it poses to the world.
Q. What is your view of England today? ie what needs addressing?
What doesn't need addressing?! The main thing which worries us is the
trend towards an all-inclusive anti-culture. By this I mean the globalisation which is threatening to extinguish the diversity which still endures. The pressure to conform is immense. Even the so-called
'rebelliousness' displayed by conveyor-belt pop-culture and bands like the Manic Street Preachers - for example - is part of the more general Establishment matrix. In contrast to those groups on
the Right which seek to repatriate immigrants or stop immigration altogether, we actually believe that people must be free to live among their own kind and according to their own distinct principles. If
we have to create alternative communities elsewhere for this purpose then so be it. England as a concept is finished. Hopefully, we can still save Europe - and I mean that in a racial, rather than a
geographical, sense - before it is too late.
Q. What would you change?
We are more interested in changing ourselves and creating new centres on the periphery, rather than imposing our views or a
new system on others. National-Anarchist communities will embody a whole plethora of values, so long as the individual is sovereign and respects the freedom of his neighbours.
Q. If capitalism
and communism have both failed then what would be the third way, can you outline your policy of distributionism?
The NRF no longer supports Distributism. To support this concept would mean reforming
the present economic system, something we are simply not prepared to do. We do welcome small economies like those set up in accordance with local exchange trading systems (LETS), for example, but they must
be decentralised.
Q. How does a movement such as third positionism reflect the development of Fascism in the twentieth century?
That's an interesting question. But whilst I would concede
that groups like the ITP are undoubtedly Fascist and reactionary, we ourselves - by way of the ENM and NRF - have completely transcended Fascism altogether. The present cadres of the NRF were drawn from
the ranks of the late-1980's National Front, a period in which the NF itself had ceased to be a reactionary pressure-valve for race-hating Tories. As far as we are concerned, Fascism belongs to the
Right. We are opponents of Fascism and this ideology simply cannot be reconciled with our vision of decentralised communities which are free of dictatorship, police stormtroopers and repressive laws.
True, we do believe in racial separatism (as opposed to racial hatred or supremacy), but this concept is by no means confined to Fascism. Indeed, before he began trying to appease Nazi Germany
even Mussolini recognised this fact.
[zurück zur übersicht AUTO Nr. 7]